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Fighting fish

7 มิถุนายน 2019
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The shape of the betta fish

Betta fish are beautiful in color. The body and creeps with different colors are different. Betta fish are classified as small fish. The body is about 5 – 7 cm in length. The body is slender, flat with the mouth slightly smaller. The head is covered with scales. The anal fin has a long fin base
There are 23 to 26 fins with a small long fin. The body color is dark gray. The color of the fins and scales near the fins is a dark color, one color in the whole body, such as the red betta with all the fins and scales near the fins are all red.

Betta fish or betta in the central region [2] (Scientific name: Betta splendens) is a small freshwater fish in the family of Macropodinae,
which is in large families. Osphronemidae

In February, 2019, the Cabinet approved Thai fish as a national aquatic animal. As proposed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
